Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Poem 91 - Evening To Night

It was evening the sun a little dimly it shone
It was setting maybe suddenly feeling alone
Slowly it moved down playing hide and seek with me
It hid behind buildings, It went behind many a tree

The sun now set leaving the sky looking sad
But the moon was there so nothing to feel bad
The moon shone, to Earth it sent it's moonlight
Telling small children 'Go to sleep it is night'

I blinked, yes it was a crescent moon
Wow! A moon at night a sun at noon
The sky was there at any occasion
When times are bad when times are fun

Ah! I saw many a twinkling star
Well, the stars were too very far
I realized the moon and stars looked like a kind of pair
Though I Knew that for each other they didn't care

Nothing more beautiful than looking at the sky
And what i am telling is not a lie
The sky just keeps me entertained around the clock
At evenings, at mornings at any time the sky does rock!
-Gaurang Rao


  1. something specifically appealing about a crescent moon.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Sheilagh Lee said: Beautiful I could picture the sky with your poem.

  3. Oh sure the sky keeps one entertained round the clock with all its changing hues. I agree the sky rocks!! :)

  4. You will touch Skies Gaurang with your creations.. lovely..

  5. Nice E-ntry!

    Easter Eggs is my post for E, hope you can drop by.

  6. i like this much... very appealing and beautiful...^^

  7. There's nothing I like better than going out and watching the stars. Well done.


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