Thursday, March 31, 2011

Poem 129 - Mona Lisa

Her face, was looking really so true
A face that looked pretty, a face that looked fresh and new
Mona Lisa - her smile charmed everyone
Because of her face, everyone's hearts she won

Though only a painting, there seemed to be silent life in the art
The painter (in the painting) seemed to have put his full heart
Oh! A terrific painting, with beautiful things
Priceless - maybe worth infinite shillings
-Gaurang Rao


  1. Hello Gaurang,
    I really have enjoyed your poetry. I read your poem entitled, "Mona Lisa," and I thought and felt how beautiful your work is. I have always felt in my heart, I sure wish I could have been like you when I was your age. You are a good young man and a brilliant young poet. Please, keep writing such good poetry.

  2. very gid... gurang
    u cud convey many things in few lines... really gud... keep up good writing...

  3. Wonderful the way it opens conventionally and then stirs things up in the second stanza.

  4. cute take on the prompt.
    beautiful imagination.

  5. Lovely imagination,enjoyed it :)


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