Sunday, June 30, 2013

Poem 247 - Confusion - Confusion

Many new beautiful vases in a birthday store
Buying gifts according to Mr. Smith was a bore 
Wondering what to buy for his wife's anniversary
He bought a red rose and went home, gave it to Mrs. Smith in a hurry
 "It's your son's birthday not our anniversary!", she threw the vase on the floor

The fragile vase now broken into bits
Mr. Smith was shocked out of his wits
Slowly the pieces he did lift
His son entered the scene asking for his birthday gift
In confusion of what to say, on a vase piece he sits
~Gaurang Rao


  1. oh you made me laugh so much; have a good Sunday

    much love...

  2. Hilarious. Well done.

  3. oh lol this was a fun poem. Very nicely done.

    Dropping by from OSI


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