Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Poem 176 - Out On The Roads

Out on the roads, vehicles have filled the street
Crowds in restaurants, no parking space free
I walk past a new restaurant, and warmed by the grill's heat
I look inside and I see a kitchen that is warm and happy

I cross the road, I see a family bursting with shopping bags
I look around and see a shopping complex around the road
As I walk near it, a shopping trolley-a man drags
I take a trolley myself, and the trolley I heavily load

I grab some food, put it in the trolley, to fill my hunger later
I take a can of oil, some pasta, and grab some juice
I grab a can of milk and curds, and I head to the counter
I am on the road again, trying to call a taxi, I am tired and so are my shoes
-Gaurang Rao


  1. Bon Appétit Gaurang!! :) An oft seen scene!!

  2. Wishing you and all at home A Very Happy Diwali and a joyous New-Year too Gaurang!!

  3. I like your "tired shoes" at the end and the warm and happy picture you paint of the kitchen. Actually I always like how you end your poems!


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