Showing posts with label Limerick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Limerick. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Poem 247 - Confusion - Confusion

Many new beautiful vases in a birthday store
Buying gifts according to Mr. Smith was a bore 
Wondering what to buy for his wife's anniversary
He bought a red rose and went home, gave it to Mrs. Smith in a hurry
 "It's your son's birthday not our anniversary!", she threw the vase on the floor

The fragile vase now broken into bits
Mr. Smith was shocked out of his wits
Slowly the pieces he did lift
His son entered the scene asking for his birthday gift
In confusion of what to say, on a vase piece he sits
~Gaurang Rao

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Poem 227 - Magical Tunnel?

Walking in the tunnel, half-past nine at night
I look around in the tunnel light
No traffic, on this usually busy tunnel, In shock, up and down it I wander 
 'Could It be magic?' I do ponder
That's when my alarm clock wakes me up with a fright
~Gaurang Rao

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Poem 224 - The Chocolate

"You ate the chocolate" "No! I did not"
At that time a grin on my mother's face we spot
My mother listens with a lot of patience
As at each other I and my sister make false accusations
Then our mom told us she was the one who ate the chocolates our granny had bought
~Gaurang Rao 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Poem 222 - The Sportive Teacher

Teacher's back faced to us, I and my friend threw paper-balls at each other
But  unfortunately one hit the teacher, Oh! What a bother!
She turned towards us, her hands on her hips she was holding,
Thinking she'll say it's property destruction, we got ready to endure another scolding
But ironically she burst out laughing, and trust me, so did the class together!
~Gaurang Rao

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Riddle 2 - Who Am I?

Each time I told a lie my nose grew long
I was first made of wood, sturdy and strong
In movies like Shrek I did appear
I saved him with my nose without any fear
I bet my nose can grow bigger than the tail of King Kong!
~Gaurang Rao

Who am I?
Write your answers below and I will submit the answer in a week's time!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Poem 207 - The Scare!

To scare my sister, I hid behind the door
I heard footsteps, I gave a roar
But to my horror, I saw the cook fall down, with a pot
With embarrassment, my cheek were hot
I would never try this, I swore

My plan did backfire, I helped the very angry cook
In anger his fists he shook
At that time, from behind me, my sister shouted "I'm back"
I seriously got a mini heart attack
I got a taste of my own medicine and the cook gave my sis a happy look
~Gaurang Rao

Written for -

Friday, November 9, 2012

Poem 205 - The Funny Shoes

Mr. Smith's funny little shoes
Sometimes seemed too tight, sometimes too loose
Oh Mr. Smith didn't know his left from his right
And when he wore it wrong, he pondered about the mystery all night
And which shoe was for which foot he couldn't choose
~Gaurang Rao

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Poem 203 - Halloween

Mr. Smith opened his house door to see the British Queen
And from behind her came the funny Mr. Bean
And Mr. Smith stared at them as they said trick or treat
Not realizing it was children, he wondered why they were acting weird on the street
Oh poor Mr. Smith didn't realize its Halloween!
~Gaurang Rao

Friday, October 5, 2012

Poem 199 - Sour Day

Mr. Smith took a ripe lemon off a tree
Thinking its a sweet lime he took  a bite into it with glee
So sour it was that he closed his eyes
He started dancing around in surprise 
He went to his wife and told "To Sweet Limes I Do Have An Allergy"

OH poor Mr. Smith!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Poem 197 - The prank not played

So many pranks played on me by my sister
So I decided to play a wonderful prank on her
To scare her from under the table was the prank I did pick
But sitting under the table, gave my neck a crick 
I come out of the table, wondering if anyone has finished this prank, ever?
 -Gaurang Rao

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Poem 195 - The beach

I am on the beach flying my kite
Me and my sister having a kite fight
Behind us dad give's a shock to my sister and me
BOO! He makes us drop the kite spool in the sea
Our unlucky dad pulls money out of his wallet making it light

And there it was two new kites
~Gaurang Rao

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Poem 178 - Blood without a murder?

I come out of the washroom, after cleaning my hand's mud and sand
I see the walls red, I get scared - is it blood? For a moment I just stand
I scream out loud, my mom comes in and looks at the red wall
For a moment she stares, and then comes a smile that is small,
I turn back to the wall and see my little sister sitting with a paintbrush in her hand
-Gaurang Rao

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Poem 166 - Cycling Day

I am cycling it is a happy day
A beautiful weather, I hope it does stay
I happily sing as I pedal along
I raised my hands to dance with the song
I fell down in a stack of hay
-Gaurang Rao

Written for and image provided by -

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Poem 154 - The Silly Servant

Servant doing hard work, because of the glass eye of his boss
He always took it out and kept it were the servant was
Boss told "I am keeping an eye on you"
Servant believed boss, and did hard work too
When servant's friend heard this and laughed, servant got cross
-Gaurang Rao

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Poem 152 - Tit for Tat

Going to my sister's room, banging her room's door and running back
My room's door fly's open, sister gives a glare, her eyes, cold and black
Sweetly I smile, I act innocent by shrugging and opening my book
She turns around and turns again - once more she gave me that hard look
I laughed in my room, just then someone bangs my door, and laughter does crack
-Gaurang Rao

Photo Link - here (©2009-2011 ~19SaRaH92)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Poem 149 - Homework Troubles

I looked at my homework, I had finished so little, so much to do
It is such a bore and I wanted to play Basketball too!
I took my orange colored basketball out
"Do your homework" my mother did shout
At the end my mother's disappointng words I had to listen to
-Gaurang Rao

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Poem 140 - Kaleidoscopes

Beautiful coloured objects creating a design
The mirrors reflecting the beads, making them shine
In the cylindrical container, colours seem to fly
Me and my sister - through the hole we do spy
We both fight for it, suddenly it breaks, now not hers nor mine
-Gaurang Rao