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Showing posts with label Article. Show all posts

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fold in Bathroom

This incident took place when I was 5 years old. I had learned how to fold my bed cover. One day me and my sister were folding our bed covers at the same time, as our room was quite small there was not too much of space to stand and fold. I got angry and went to the bathroom and folded it there. I didn’t know I should not do it in the bathroom. My parents and sister had a hearty laugh at this incident. Later when I was a bit older I realized what I had done. I still feel ashamed of myself of doing such a thing.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Holidays - 2010

I am starting to feel very excited, only a few days more and my summer holidays start!!
Going back to India visiting my relatives and playing with my friends and cousins.
Won't that be fun? Just imagine, two whole months of fun. Have to keep in touch with studies though. The sad part is that there is LOTS of holiday homework which I will have to do when I am in India. Anyways can't wait for the school to close. It closes on July 8th and reopens on September 14th.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Akhanda Bhajan (Satsang)

The Satsang is a group in which we sing Bhajans. Today we all went to a place in Karama (Dubai) and many other groups came too. It was really fun as many of my friends were there. I sang 2 Bhajans. We enjoyed it a lot. It is there every year.

Trip To Oman

Yesterday I had to wake up at 5:00 am as my father’s office was taking us in a van to a picnic in Oman. We started from my father’s office at 6:45 am and about an hour later we stopped at a restaurant to eat Breakfast. It was a two hours trip and we reached Oman at around 8:30 am.

We were to go to a place called Al Musandam where we were going to take a boat on the sea, but unfortunately we quite lost our way and reached a resort called Golden Tulip. We had rest for about an hour over there and later a man came and told he was to take us to Al Musandam It was a three minutes drive from there.

Soon we were there and were taken to a boat. As soon as we were in the boat we were given a couple of refreshments. After some time the boat started to move. The sea was quite calm and there were lots of algae in it. There were yellow chemicals in the sea. We had made two friends who we were playing with.

After about half an hour some of the uncles were going snorkeling from the beach. They took us to the beach in a smaller boat. I was scared to do it, but I swam in the shallow side of the sea. I and my father did a bit of rock climbing.

After an hour they took us back to the boat. We had lunch on the boat. As we are vegetarians we couldn’t eat much as most of it was non-vegetarian food. We lazed about for some time on the boat either playing or walking here and there.

After some time they told us that we were to do fishing. I was really excited as it was the first time I was trying to fish. We tried to catch fish for a long time but we didn’t get even one. Some other families got one or two. It was about 5:00 P.M at that time.

We made a new friend called Milla (not from our group) who had come from Sydney as it was winter holidays. We played with her for some time and made houses out of cushions. We saw some caves on the way back from the boat.

As we headed back my sister told that she didn’t want to go and she wanted to stay here. Soon we had to leave the boat and were in the van. It seemed longer to go back then coming. As we reached my father’s office we had to tell our friends goodbye and by the time we reached home it was 9:30. It was one of the best days.